Dahab is a bay-village located on the Red Sea coast of the Sinai Peninsula. Originally visited only by Nomadic Bedouins who came for the palm lined bay and abundant supply of fish. Across the warm waters of the Gulf of Aqaba stand the coastal mountain range of Saudi Arabia. Behind Dahab lie the rugged Sinai mountains and the biblical wilderness. Club Red lies at the centre of this peaceful and laid back atmosphere. Take a few steps outside the Club and take a look in the water and see an abundance of life in the first few meters.Club Red offers professionalism in a laid back atmosphere. They are a Five Star PADI Instructor Development Centre offering all levels of PADI Dive Courses as well as PADI Professional Level Courses.
This dive will take you into a cavern under the sea bed. Lesser known gems like the Islands, Gabr El Bint, and our own Mashraba Reef in front of the club, wait to be explored. Try the Bells - follow a crack in the wall, down a small chute and emerge in a bottomless wall dive to rival anything else on earth, with frequent sightings of large fish, rays and turtles.
web: http://www.club-red.com/