The USS Moody was decommissioned after serving 11 years with the US Navy in June 1930. She was purchased by MGM and towed from Mare Island into Craig shipyard and reworked to represent a German destroyer for the 1933 movie production “Hell Below.” On February 21, 1933 the Moody was blown up and sunk while portraying a German ship under fire.
This is a fantastic extreme scuba diving jurney.
The Moody rests in 140+ fsw and is an experienced deep dive. The ship is broken in two sections and the hull compartments have collapsed. The two sections lay parallel about 100 feet apart. There is still considerable relief to the wreck site and many fish and wolf eels call the Moody home. It’s also covered with large expanses of corynactus (strawberry anemones) and other invertebrates.
web: http://www.xtremescuba.com/